An overview of 2024 from Warwick Unitarians

2024 has been a tricky year in some ways but the small group of Warwick Unitarians has continued to thrive despite illnesses and accidents, and we finish the year with more members than we started it. We are a friendly group that welcomes new people and enjoys supporting each other in spiritual practice as we each explore and express our own personal faith in an atmosphere of acceptance, respect and care for each other.

The Chapel itself is in good shape, though work will need to be undertaken soon to secure the stonework on parts of the façade and hopefully make the approach to the building rather more inviting especially in the dark.  The garden too has flourished despite the difficult weather conditions at times during the year thanks to the assiduous attentions of Tom the gardener helped by Jenny. She has also been providing the Unitarian input into the Conversation Café, run regularly in the Quaker Meeting House on Mondays to help Ukrainians and refugees from other countries to improve their English so that they may settle better into Britain.

We have been pleased over the year to have a good variety of Service Leaders including several past, present and future Presidents of the General Assembly, the central organisation supporting the Unitarian Chapels around the country.  We are fortunate in that the Annual GA Meetings take place in the Midlands within easy reach. We were also selected as the venue for this year’s Annual Conference of the Unitarian Society of Psychical Studies.

The Chapel has also been the venue for a number of concerts by individuals and groups that appreciate the fine acoustics.  It is always a pleasure to hear of audience and performer reactions to our lovely place!