Concerts at Warwick Unitarians

Charles Matthews recently returned to give a splendid Saturday lunchtime recital called Bells and Clocks.  This was piano music largely from the 20th and 21 centuries, some of it very familiar and some much less so but still fizzing with Charles’s usually excitement.   He will be back in September with another hour long concert called Glimpses on the Horizon, including music by Chopin, Schoenberg and others.

The Coull Quartet were the String Quartet in Residence at Warwick University for many years.  They have a global reputation, and are coming to the Chapel again to give a series of three concerts to mark their 50th anniversary.  Their Coffee Concerts have proved very successful in the past, starting with coffee and cake from 11.00, hopefully using both the Chapel and the Garden, before a recital of some of the works from their huge repertoire.  In the first, on Sunday April 28, we hear three works covering a wide range of styles and atmospheres from Mozart, Puccini and Ravel.  They will be back at the end of May (Sunday 26th) with music by Schubert, Kodaly and Beethoven.   Then they come again for the third in this series of coffee concerts on the 30th June.  They will  play on this third visit works by Haydn, (who with Beethoven must be considered one of the two most outstanding creators of the tradition of String Quartet music) and Smetana, with a contemporary piece by Philip Glass who is widely regarded as one of the most influential composers of the late 20th Century.

These concerts are open to all.