Annual Conference of Psychical Studies Society

We are invited to join members of the Unitarian Society for Psychical Studies on September 28th at their Annual Conference which has chosen Warwick Chapel as their venue this year.  The programme for the day includes a talk by Professor Rob Gandy on Haunted Roads.  Dr Mark Fox will then address the group on the subject of Scent from a Distance: Olfaction, Premonitions and Preternatural Knowing, followed by Alan Murdie talking about White Lady Apparitions: Spectres or signs from the Cosmos?

The meeting, which is open to all, runs from 10.00 until 4.oo, and tickets at £15 will be available at the door, but please bring cash as there will not be card machines.  Online payment can be made in advance to the USPS account – sort code 30-94-74 Account number 00836674.

Refreshments will be provided, but please bring your own packed lunch which may be taken in our lovely peaceful garden if weather permits.

This may not be your usual  area of thoughtful interest but a warm welcome is guaranteed from this lovely and interesting group.