Visit by GA President

We are pleased to say that we are honoured this term to have Geoff Levermore the current President of the General Assembly of Unitarian and Free Christian Churches coming to lead our worship on October 27th.

Professor Geoff Levermore was a distinguished member of the Nobel Prize winning IPCC (Intergovernmental Committee on Climate Change) and it is a great pleasure to welcome him back for a second visit to Warwick. He gave an understandably well informed and stimulating talk  on his first visit back in 2015 and we look forward to hearing his updated views on the world’s progress on tackling the vital topic of Climate Change over the last nine years.   We welcome visitors to come to this service.

It is notable that within the month up to 27th October we shall also have services taken by a recent previous President, Rev Sue Woolley (2022-2023) on 29th September and then the current Vice President Rev Jeffrey Bowes on 20th October.