Warwick Unitarian Chapel is a spiritual community.
We are called Unitarians because we believe in the oneness of God and the unity of humanity.
Our religious beliefs are not prescribed, as we believe that religion is wider than any one sect and deeper than any one set of opinions. Within our community there are those who would consider themselves to be Christians, whereas others share only some of the Christian beliefs. There are also those who have come to us from other backgrounds – atheist, humanist and agnostic. Labels are not so important to Unitarians – our shared bond is one of friendship and the aim of seeking deeper meaning in our lives. We find a basis for unity in our shared search for truth and a mutual respect for sincerely held beliefs. We encourage all our members, visitors, and friends to find a level of belief with which they feel comfortable.

We aspire to be a caring religious community in which we value people for their diversity and encourage freedom of thought and spiritual exploration
We meet together to share worship, to seek spiritual insight and to celebrate our common bonds of friendship and fellowship.
We warmly welcome visitors.